
KMA provided several livestream sessions with COVID experts and translated materials to answer the community’s questions about the safety of vaccines, the effectiveness of boosters, and the Delta and Omicron variants. This encouraged many in the community to get vaccinated and get boosters to help fight the pandemic and build up immunity.

We are Yoga & Nutrition Experts

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We Help You Stay Healthy

Our services

Our service projects target one of the fastest growing communities in Kurdistan and one in which is characterized by some of the most health disparities, the Kurdish community. We envision a continuation of public health and preventative medicine projects that relay valuable knowledge about common diseases to areas of need. Thousands of people in Kurdistan and Kurds in the diaspora have access to this knowledge now, which helps lessen health disparities. Projects completed this year include chronic diseases of Diabetes mellitus and Hypercholesterolemia, as well as preventative and screening guidelines for Breast cancer and vitamin D deficiency, and expert information about COVID-19, all of which are relevant for the Kurdish community. As there continues to be a knowledge gap in medical information in the older Kurdish population, common public health issues that are explained and translated have the potential to lessen disparities; eliminating this knowledge gap can help save lives.

Health campaigns

The following health campaigns are created to teach the Kurdish public, and the public at large, about the most prevalent modern diseases, as well as steps that can be taken to prevent or mitigate them. KMA hopes to share this medical knowledge (general to healthcare workers but not always accessible to the public) to help save lives through education.

Mental Health Matters

Raising Awareness in the Kurdish Community Kurds are one of the largest ethnic groups that have been exposed to the traumas of war, genocide, persecution, and forced resettlement. Unfortunately, mental health remains a highly stigmatized and widely understudied subject among the Kurdish diaspora. Together, Kurdish medical experts, religious leaders, and community members with lived experience are committed to demystifying mental health and creating a space to have a discussion on the mental health issues that face our community in order to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and direct those in need to life-saving resources.

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